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Sustainability and optimization in focus at the Patagonic RAS Chile

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Aker BioMarine, a conference sponsor, shared insights on how Antarctic krill is a sustainable solution for the evolving aquaculture industry.

Patgonic RAS, the bi-annual conference dedicated to advancing recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), was held this year in Puerto Varas, Chile, on 17 November. The event was hosted by BioMar, a global leader in sustainable aquaculture feeds. As a main sponsor, Aker BioMarine was on-site, showcasing its Antarctic krill products and participating on-stage through discussion and insight-sharing.


“This conference was an opportunity for us to engage with experts across the aquaculture industry on how we can drive more sustainable solutions, optimize production and create more value for the industry through greater cooperation,” explains Sigve Nordrum, EVP Animal Health and Nutrition, Aker BioMarine.


Sustainability + fish health and welfare in focus

There were approximately 250 attendees at this year’s conference, consisting of customers, collaborators, and suppliers of BioMar Chile. Some of the most important topics in focus included the health and welfare of fish, as well as sustainability. A shared target for all at the conference was to uncover ways to optimize production in RAS, as there is a greater need to achieve larger and stronger smolts through more sustainable means.


“For us, it was important to bring our message about sustainable Antarctic krill to the Patagonia RAS conference. We shared insights on the power of krill as a functional ingredient to improve survival rates and growth performance in fish. And we also shared how we prioritize sustainability as a key part of our strategy,” says Valentina Tapia, Regional Director Latin America, Aker BioMarine.

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Do consumers care about sustainability? Aker BioMarine presented new findings

During Aker BioMarine’s presentation at the conference, Sigve and Valentina shared new internal research as well as data from the Norwegian Seafood Council that reveals that most consumers care about sustainability, and that they purposely seek out certified fish products. The research also showed that consumer behavior is changing, and that people are adapting their diets to be more sustainable.


“One of our overall messages to the audience was that there is a very positive sentiment towards aquaculture, and that consumers see the value of sustainable production,” adds Sigve Nordrum.


Many of the attendees of Patagonia RAS are currently Aker BioMarine customers and they were eager to share their experiences using krill as part of the fish diet with Sigve and Valentina at the company’s stand.


“This conference gave us a chance to interact, learn and explore opportunities with current and potential customers. We got great insights from customers’ experiences with krill, and we are proud that this industry is so committed to sustainability and high-quality production,” concludes Valentina Tapia.


For more information about the Patagonia RAS in Chile, visit Patagonic RAS 2022 | BioMar