Partner with us

We guarantee a steady supply

QRILL Aqua products are manufactured and packaged on-board our fishing vessels. The bags are stored in our cargo hold. At the end of the trip (full cargo) or when required by market, we offload while at sea to our own supply vessels. They will then transport the product to our main hub in Montevideo, Uruguay from where it is distributed to warehouses or directly to the end customers around the world. We take pride in a steady supply.


Partnering on science

Aker QRILL Company embraces research and documentation on the effects of krill feed inclusion. The QRILL Aqua science team works closely with a network of universities and commercial businesses/ companies to further increase the understanding of product performance on existing, but also new species. Together, we are advancing krill-related science, documenting health benefits and helping to ensure our customers’ success with QRILL. This includes developing research projects and submitting grant proposals together with customers.

Customer-centric marketing

Our aim is to become part of our customers' success, delivering market insight and help educate feed producers and their customers on the beauty of krill and its many benefits. Therefore we are proud to work closely with our partners on marketing issues. Focusing on individual needs, we provide scientific documentation and targeted marketing support

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