Krill for dogs, shrimp and salmon
Feeding for success
Feeding is one of the most important factors for strong performance in long-distance dog sled racing. This applies not only to long races, but also to the period leading up to a competition. I’ve always focused on optimizing performance, but it wasn’t until I got in touch with Aker BioMarine that I really saw the impact that proper nutrition can have on the dogs. When I won the Femund and Finnmark races in 2019, and not in the least when I was first to cross the Idtarod finish line in 2020, I made sure the dogs followed a very strict feeding routine beforehand. Proper nutrition may not be the reason for success, but it was definitely an important factor.
Before and during a long-distance race, the dogs receive a diet based on their specific preferences, age, and energy levels. It’s a challenge to get the dogs to eat enough during a race, which is why we train this ahead of time. Proper nutrition is really the foundation, and even though I’ve come up with a good recipe, I am very aware that a race can be ruined if my dog team doesn’t get the nutrients, fats, and proteins they need.
-Thomas Wærner

Thomas Wærner
Professional musher
For my dogs and I to win races, there are a thousand details to sort out. Nutrition is key to performing at the highest level.
There are no shortcuts.
Feeding as a tool for breeders and mushers
All animal owners – whether breeders of Norwegian salmon or professional dog sledders (mushers) like Thomas Wærner – share the goal of ensuring the best possible conditions for their animals, to achieve their goals.
Dogs, human and fish may not seem similar at first glance, but they have more in common than you might think. All have bodies that are composed of cells, including skin cells, muscle cells, nerve cells, blood cells and immune cells. And an important factor for all these cells to perform their intended functions in the body is a well-functioning cell membrane.
Nutrition is key for cells, and several of the nutrients found in krill are important for helping the cells function properly. Proteins and phospholipids are the building blocks in cells and cell membranes, and omega-3 and several vitamins ensure that everything works as it should. This lays a solid foundation for the body to perform well and live better.
We are what we eat, and a diet that includes krill helps ensure optimal performance and health. Aker QRILL Company has identified the positive effects of krill across species when it comes to health and performance. The scientific evidence proves that krill is beneficial for all.

Marianne Nergård